1. Be the H.E.R.O. in You!
2. Are you on the road of COMMITTMENT or COMPROMISE?
3. The Power of Your Choice!
4. Choose Character over Bullying! (Cyber)
5. Anti-Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol Awareness.
6. Don’t be a Bystander but an Upstander!
7. Being a Leader not a Follower!
8. What has your FOCUS has your Direction!
High School Assembly Topics Include
-Our Mission: To promote positive Choices and move the student’s hearts and minds to contemplate positive change and new direction for their lives!
Why Choose Our
Superhero School
-It’s hard for a speaker wearing a suit & tie to get most students’ attention now days. When a student sees one of our team members snap a baseball bat, rip a 400-page book in half, and bend steel in his teeth it grabs the student’s attention. The feats of strength are used as a tool to captivate and maintain the attention of the students, ensuring that the message is not lost. Each illustration is connected to an object lesson that will inspire your students to make the right choices when it comes to bullying, peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, and personal achievement.

A Powerful Message
-The decisions they make today will determine their tomorrow and this is the reason why we want to help you impact the students of your school by bringing them a powerful, fun-filled, yet serious presentation of choices, purpose, and goal setting for their future.
Just being challenged to say “NO” is not enough to bring revelation to the hearts and minds of today’s youth.