1. Be a H.E.R.O. (Helping Everyone Respect Others)
2. Bullying (Identify, Respond, Prevent & Bystander)
3. Hold on to your Dreams. You’re not a quitter.
4. Power of your words.
5. Respect for Authority
6. Self Esteem
7. Academic Excellence
Your Presenter Will Also Cover:
-Our Mission: To promote positive Choices and move the student’s hearts and minds to contemplate positive change and new direction for their lives!
What Makes Our Assembly Show
-Research suggests that the best way to deal with issues that students are now facing is through comprehensive programs that focus on changing the climate of a school. We are THE ONLY program that provides a presentation that does exactly that!
Our presenters have years of experience in PBIS, Anti-bullying, Character Development, Health & Fitness!

The feats of strength captivate students, ensuring message retention. Each is tied to an object lesson inspiring right choices.
Make It A Superhero Day!
-Past Schools have had their students & faculty wear their favorite Superhero
t-shirts & costumes on the day of the assembly. It brings excitement and engages them into our theme this year: “Be A H.E.R.O.”